Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Wtermedia website, the following is the terms and conditions of the usage and access to the website and all of its pages, links, tools, and any other subordinate of it.

The terms and conditions of Wtermedia website

How to get a membership in Wtermedia website:

To become an official member of Wtermedia website, first, you must fill out the registration form then you have to acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms of the Tarmedia site user agreement. After that, fill and approve the registration form or any other services or products (printed or electronic) using the site which you acknowledge that you agree to adhere to the user agreement of Wtermedia website.

Consequently, you are responsible for making any necessary arrangements to be able to access the site on the network; you are also responsible for ensuring that all persons accessing the site through your own internet connection or through your registered account on Wtermedia site are aware of the terms of this site and are compliance to it. While viewing, browsing, using, accessing the site, or submitting any content or materials to the site, you agree to the usage terms as a legally binding agreement between you and Wtermedia site without restriction or a condition.

The term “you” refers to any individual or organization viewing, using, accessing, browsing the site or submitting any content or material to the site (whether personal information or information about your project or design you request) and you must agree to these terms of use to have the right to use the site, in case you didn’t agree to the terms of use, you will not be able to use the site.

Wtermedia site has the right to make any update in the terms of use at any time without prior notice, and you agree that each visit you make to the site you will be subjected to the updated terms at that time, and the continued using of the site now or after the updated terms of use ensures that you have read, accept, agree to comply to these updates, and these terms and conditions apply on the site with all browsers whether Google or other browsers.

What does Wtermedia offer?

Wtermedia website allows its members who have agreed to the terms to use the provided product by them for their personal and commercial needs from the site on the internet. As Wtermedia site also offers you an easy way to choose the appropriate design package and the ability to print it through the website.

Since the purpose of this site is to simplify the process of purchasing the design and print it once you want that. These packages allow the clients to choose the appropriate packages in an easy and fast way according to the requirements that suit your client.

The site has been created to be an easy and fast way to the process of designing and printing through using the internet and the prints will be delivered to the mentioned addresses in the request.

Wtermedia site is responsible for compliance with the laws, regulations, measures, and standards applied in the United Arab of Emirates and are committed to complying with all the conditions on the site.

The buyers in the design packages with printing are the only ones responsible for ensuring the correct delivery addresses and Wtermedia site has no obligation or responsibility for any wrong addresses for the recipient of the prints.

All preparation and delivery of the prints are the responsibility of Wtermedia site who accepted the order. We will take all the possible means which enables us to fulfill the selected delivery time. However, the delivery time may be affected by other factors out of our control and we cannot guarantee. We will inform you of any unexpected delay through your personal information mentioned in the order.

The policy of creating and using the account:

  1. You must register on Wtermedia site by writing the full name as it appears in the official papers and a valid e-mail or any other required information in the registration form. Wtermedia has the right to reject the request of creating an account and has the full authority to cancel any account that violates the mentioned conditions.
  2. Wtermedia has the right to use the e-mail address, numbers, and written information during the registration as a means of communication.
  3. The user is the only one responsible for saving his own password in a secure way and Wtermedia is not responsible for any loss or damage that occurs as a result of forgetting or not maintaining the security of the account and the password or sharing it with another person.
  4. Any member of Wtermedia site gets a “User name” and “Password” is specified by the member himself, as “User name” is personal and limited to the member only. The same “User name” will never be given to two different members. And also the “Password” is only known by the user only and the user can change the password at any time.
  5. The user has the only responsibility for choosing and protecting his own password. Wtermedia is not responsible for any problem that occurs from using the password. Wtermedia informs the user about the offers and discounts that the user can benefit from it via e-mails, Wtermedia has the right to provide designers with the information that you have requested to create their own design. While using the site you acknowledge that any personal information submitted by you is correct, accurate, valid, and complete from all aspects. And you will inform us immediately about any changes in your personal information by updating your own membership information on the site or by calling us. You also agree not to impersonate any person or organization or use any false name or a name that you are not authorized to use. It is not allowed for you to register multiple memberships for use by the same person and as a result of a violation of this clause, your membership will be terminated. So, the passwords of the membership must be kept strictly confidential at all times and they must not be shared or revealed to any other person. You are responsible for all activities and orders that occur and are submitted via your membership. And if you become aware or suspect that another person knows your own password, then you must contact us immediately.
  6. The user or member should not use the site for any illegal or unauthorized purpose including but not limited for example: publishing any illegal materials, objectionable words to the site defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene) and also submitting materials that violates the law or religions, doctrines, beliefs, ethics and morals. That results in a civil or criminal responsibility, otherwise violates any laws, regulation, practices. In case of any happens from any user or member, he will afford all the consequences and afford the full legal responsibility without any responsibility on Wtemedia site.
  7. Accessing using and enjoying the site by any person does not mean any harm to the site or impede or reduce the operation of the site or try to obtain not unauthorized access to this site or the connected network, by hacking, deception, or any other similar ways. In case that occurs by any user or member, he will afford all the consequences and also afford the full legal responsibility without any responsibility on Wtermedia site. The responsibility of the member

While using the services on Wtermedia website, the member accepts and acknowledges the following:

  1. The contained information in the registration form is true if this provided information is requested, the member is the only responsible for any losses that occur as a result of wrong or insufficient information (for example, forgetting the password) in these cases the membership is terminated.
  2. The member is the only one responsible for all of his ideas, opinions, and personal data while using which he mentions while using the services of the site and also he is responsible for all files that will be uploaded to the site and the secret personal information. The site will never be responsible in any way for those files. Or about accessing to any provided service via the site is unauthorized or any other way rather than specified by the site. And not change the software in any way. Besides compensating the site for all moral and material losses in case the member didn’t follow the clauses mentioned above. The site will not be responsible for any damage that occurs as a result of reading the revised data for any members by any unauthorized individuals.
  3. The member should not send any threatening messages, be immoral, racist, or violates the laws of the United Arab of emirates and international agreements. And any correspondence, addresses, and false names must not violate the regulations, public morals, good behavior, and laws.
  4. The user must not abuse or threaten other users, or any customer service staff of the site, not acts in a way that affects the use of the services by the users, and not send printing, distribution, or publication of immoral materials, inappropriate, illegal, or potentially harmful information to the name of any persons or organization, advertisement to sell any products or services, or engaging in any harmful actions such as deleting competition, and chain letters. And also not sending any information or software that may harm the information and software on the users’ devices and all files or the materials which are obtained by using the site. And the user is the only one responsible for any damage or loss of information or any other losses to the site or its users. The user will have full responsibility for his computer device and the user is not allowed to request compensation for any losses that occur from using the service.
  5. The user acknowledges that he is aware that the site may observe all the systems at any time or continuously and use its system for commercial purposes. And also he acknowledges that he will commit and will not send any restricted legal information via e-mail or distribute any unauthorized messages such as chain messages and malware…etc. And not to record or misuse any personal information that belongs to others. In case of non-compliance to this, he will afford the full responsibility alone for any damages or losses that occur to the site or its users.
  6. The member is responsible for all kinds of behaviors which he does under the name “user” and the member has to pay the fee for the service which was requested previously upon delivering the prints, otherwise, the prints will not be delivered to the customers.
  7. The commitment of the user after accessing the site or services using an account registered in a third party without the permission of the account holder, otherwise the user will only afford the full legal responsibility for any damages or losses occurs to the site or its users.
  8. The user’s commitment to not using the site for illegal purposes otherwise, the user will afford the full legal responsibility for any damages or losses that occur to the site or its users.
  9. Not to commit any violating actions on the site or the content on the site, and do not use the site to do any commercial activities other than the authorized use of the services of the site, the user will afford the full legal responsibility for any damages or losses that occur to the site or its users.
  10. Do not copy any content for republishing in a printed form or via the internet, and do create reviews for the site or record any entries for or with any commercial or other purpose or intent that is not matching in good faith with the purpose of creating the site. Do not attempt to get access to the computer systems of others from or through the website, and do not interfere with another person’s use of the website. Do not download or transmit viruses or other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files or not disable, interfere with, or even cause damage to or violate the site’s security or any services, software, or hardware associated with the system, accounts, Passwords, servers or networks connected to the site or which accessed through the site, the user will afford the full legal responsibility for any damages or losses that occur to the site or its users.
  11. All users who are minors (generally under 18 years old) must get permission from their guardian, and they will be directly supervised by their guardian’s father/mother while using the site. If you are a minor, your guardian and your father/mother must read and agree to this Agreement before you use the site, the credit or prepaid cards that the customer uses to pay through the electronic payment gateway on the website must be owned by the customer himself.

How to order a design

While you choose an order from the available packages or individual designs in the site, you can submit your order by pressing on the button” Confirm the order”. Kindly note that it is important review the information you enter and correct any errors before pressing the “Confirm Order” button, since when you click on that entry, errors cannot be corrected. And we will send a message on the final page stating that your order has been successfully received and when you make an unauthorized payment, you will be turned back to the previous page on the site and we will not provide you with services or review your order.

Prices and money:

We display prices on the site in UAE Dirhams, excluding any other services that accompany the purchase process such as taxes, delivery costs, and the printing process (any additional costs will be shown in the last steps of the order):

1. In case the order was canceled by mistake, you will be confirmed by communicating with you

2.  In case the paid price is less than the service price, the entire order will be canceled.

3.  In case the price paid is more than the service price, the excess amount will be refunded.

To refund, once the cancellation of the application is accepted, the money will be returned according to the payment method:

In case the payment was cash, it will not be able to refund the paid money, but in the case that the payment is electronically or via credit card, the money will be refunded in a period not exceeding (15) working days, keeping in mind that in all cases, if the service has already started and worked to be completed, then Refunds are not allowed.

4. When you accept your order, this represents an agreement between you as a customer and the site, and the cash payment is made directly to the site when we fulfill the order. The delivery upon request for printing or any other fees for each request will be clearly displayed in the order summary.

5. In case the printing request is canceled after a day of confirming the request, the full amount will be returned.

6. If the order is canceled two days after confirming the order, (50%) of the total amount paid will be returned.

7. If the order is canceled after 5 days of confirming the order, no amount will be returned to the customer.

Intellectual property:

  1. The content on the website, the trademark, service marks, and logos included in these terms (the marks) are owned by the Wtermedia site and have been licensed to the site, and are subject to copyright and intellectual property rights.
  2. The Wtermedia Company has the right to publish the designs that it creates in the name of the company and use them for the interests it deems appropriate, whether in marketing or content or displaying them in its personal accounts.
  3. The customer has the right to publish or use the designs provided by the company for personal or commercial purposes without affiliation with the design.
  4. The content of the site includes all software content, databases, functions, site designs, audio, video, text, photographs, graphics, existing designs, icons, texts, service names, and packages.
  5. In case you download or print a copy of the site’s content for personal use, you must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices included with them and praise the name of the company.

Rights & obligations of the client:

The customer pays the full amount after accepting his request and specifying the cost of the service, noting that the paid amount will not refunded back if the service began and working to complete it.

All the written content and the data of the company are delivered to the customer which he needs to design and adding it to the design after proofreading it by the customer.

The customer keeps the special files of the design after receiving it under his responsibility.

The customer has the right to modify the same content (3) times as a maximum, and each additional modification is calculated at (50%) according to the required design.

Rights & obligations of the company

  1. The company is committed to the period of the working days within (7) days except for Fridays and Saturdays, it starts after receiving all the attachments and content it needs from the customer.
  2. The company delivers (3) models of the design to the customer to choose from, and each additional modification are calculated at a rate of (50%).
  3. The company is committed to delivering the open files of the design (logo and prints) to the customer.
  4. According to the agreement, the company is obligated not to disclose secrets related to the project of the customer.
  5. The company is only responsible for the design and printing process.
  6. The company has the right to publish designs in its accounts to market its business (according to the agreement, some business is confidential).
  7. The Company disclaims its responsibility for the delay in the final delivery, in case many modifications are required from the customer.
  8. The Company disclaims its responsibility for writing textual content or spelling errors in the content provided by the customer.
  9. The Company disclaims its responsibility to maintain the design files that were delivered to the customer after the completion of the delivery process within a maximum period of two weeks.
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